A communications case study

Berkshire MS Therapy Centre

The logo of the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre charity

Who I worked with

The Berkshire MS Therapy Centre, a charity that offers in-person and online support for people with Multiple Sclerosis and their families.

The challenge

The charity had been through operational challenges as a result of the covid pandemic. After a review of the charity’s overall strategy, the management team identified communication as an area that needed improvement in order to ensure they could reach and support as many people with MS as possible. With limited in-house communications resource and confidence, they needed an external perspective and support.

What happened

Following discussion of their desired outcomes from working with me, the team opted for a 3-part approach:

  • I carried out a review of their existing communications activities. This involved me assessing their materials and channels and interviewing identified stakeholders
  • They used my review report as insight within my ‘Write Your Own Comms Strategy’ service, with me teaching them how to write a strategy themselves.
  • Once the strategy was finalised, I mentored their Marketing and Engagement Officer for 3 months as she built her confidence and began to put the new strategy into action.

The team subsequently asked me to continue working with them and write copy for their new website and welcome pack, including therapy descriptions and member case-studies.

The outcomes

The comms review gave them a clearer picture of what was working and where they needed to amend their approach. The facilitated workshops of the ‘Write your own’ service combined a structure for putting together a strategic plan with the skills transfer they wanted to build their organisational resilience. The Marketing Officer grew in confidence and was able to grow and develop the charity’s communication activity.

“Working with Sarah was great; we could bounce ideas off her take advantage of her significant knowledge. As someone who was external, it was wonderful to have someone as a sounding board. She introduced us to new opportunities. We have really enjoyed working with someone so passionate and supportive.”

Sam, Fundraising Manager

“Sarah is clearly very knowledgeable and experienced but she is very approachable and non-judgmental. It has been great to have someone to talk things over with and she has helped to increase my confidence.”

Claire, Marketing and Engagement Officer